commission info

Hello! Welcome to Rixen's commission info. Please read before messaging me. Check my twitter to see if commissions are open!To see more of my work check my twitter or pixiv

commission terms

  • Full payment is accepted upfront through Paypal.

  • All prices are in USD.

  • All commissions are for personal use only. You may not profit off, sell or reproduce my artwork.

  • All commissions are digital pieces only.

  • You must be 18 years or older to commission me.

  • Refunds are not available if I have started your piece.


line art
Waist up - 50 USD
Full Body - 70 USD

additional characters +$30 USD

full color
Waist up - 70 USD
Full Body - 90 USD

additional characters +$40 USD

sketch page
150 - 200 USD

a sketch page is a one page "comic" featuring one or two characters. usually three sketches per page.

example: the base price for a full color, 2 character, full body pic would be $130 USD.1 variation (cumming/ripped clothes) is usually free!

+ Please note all prices are a base, base price implies the characters are nude or have simple clothing. The price can also change depending on the difficulty of the commission i.e. detailed armor, intricate tattoos/designs etc.+ If I accept your commission I will send you an invoice.
I will send you updates to your piece similar to this:
rough sketch (pose) -> lineart -> revisions -> colors/finish
+ If you're unsure if I'd be comfortable drawing something don't hesitate to ask!


If your interested in commissioning me please direct message me on discord or twitter.
Thanks 💓